Tag: art cafe bar

FQA: For Quality Assurance: FROG VOICE PODCAST!

PLEASE ASK FOR MY MOVIE AT YOUR LIBRARY! http://www.theavcafe.com/product/145419 I tried to learn all about Frogs as pets but there are too many things to learn about frogs. Email in if you want us to get a frog for the podcast ourherocomic@gmail.com SOURCES: http://savethefrogs.com/what-we-do/index.html http://exoticpets.about.com/od/frogsandtoads/qt/pettradechytrid.htm http://www.allaboutfrogs.org/info/doctor/first.html THE RIDICULOUS WIKIHOW: http://www.wikihow.com/Keep-a-Wild-Caught-Toad-As-a-Pet