Tag: dog

PH Delight with our New Plant friend

https://vimeo.com/ondemand/61512 See my movie! A podcast for all those small questions about Small Pets After having tanks with water animals in them on and off for 10 years, I do my first PH Test.

FQA: For Quality Assurance: KING KONG KING OF TOYS

THIS WEEK: Kong TOYS. One of the most popular Dog Toys but how did they start?! ALSO PLEASE GET YOUR LIBRARY TO CARRY MY MOVIE ABOUT HAMSTERS!: http://www.theavcafe.com/product/145419 Sources: http://www.kongcompany.com/the-world-of-kong/the-kong-story/ http://www.thisoldtoy.com/L_FP_Set/toy-pages/2000-2499/2032-giantrockastack.html