Tag: lab

FQA: For Quality Assurance: Distemper Defeated

http://www.theavcafe.com/product/145419 ASK FOR MIKE’S MOVIE ABOUT HAMSTERS AT YOUR LIBRARY! bibliography: http://www.academia.edu/3648311/_Saving_the_Lives_of_Our_Dogs_The_Development_of_Canine_Distemper_Vaccine_in_Interwar_Britain

FQA: For Quality Assurance: Do not Shrimp from a Challenge

PLEASE ASK FOR MY MOVIE AT YOUR LIBRARY! http://www.theavcafe.com/product/145419 How are those little Shrimp snacks made? Solenocera melantho is the Zoo med shrimp River Shrimp is the Fluker’s brand AND this isn’t the nicest one but it’s one of the few videos where someone catches one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjiDrItBVaU